Are you at the right place ?

Are you at the right place ?

Tania Burgos

Tania Burgos

Trade: Woodworker, Resin Worker & Leather Worker
Instagram: @_paintchick_ 


My name is Tania and I do a mixture of woodwork, resin work and hand wood carvings mostly. I've been making things for around 6 years now and I've recently also started dabbling in leather working, making cute leather keychains. In terms of the challenges I've faced as a female in the trades industry, I would say it comes down to the fact that woodworking is very male dominated, so I feel like my growth in numbers has taken longer and made harder not only due to me being a female, but also a lesbian on top of that.

While there are so many things I do love about the industry, I'd have to say my favourite part about it is that I love creating things and the artistic concept of it all. Seeing my ideas and planned projects come to life is just the best feeling.

When it comes to what I like about eve workwear, I just love how comfortable and useful the pants are!


My favourite pieces are the Flannel Shirt and the Strong Pants