Are you at the right place ?

Are you at the right place ?

Tayla Barnhill

Tayla Barnhill

Trade: Electrician
Instagram: @leckychick


When Tayla was getting close to finishing high school, she had no idea what I wanted to do and was feeling the pressure. She did all the manual arts subjects through school such as woodwork, plastics, welding etc. Although she was still unsure on what path to take after graduation, she just knew she wanted a hands-on job. Tayla’s brother had jumped straight into an electrical apprenticeship straight after school and encouraged her to do work experience on weekends at the company he was working at. Once Tayla graduated high school, she was offered an electrical apprenticeship, started in 2011 and got her license in 2015. She was the first and only female apprentice at her first company and is the first and only female at my current company. Pushing the boundaries has always been Tayla’s forte!


Her top eve workwear picks are the he Bomber Jacket and the 2678 Denim Pants.